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Women's Health

Our GPs can provide comprehensive women’s health care including, but not limited to, cervical screening, contraception advice, pre pregnancy counselling, menopause management and gynaecological concerns.


Cervical screening (previously known as Pap test/smear)

Cervical cancer is on of the most preventable cancers. Having regular screening tests is the best way to protect yourself.  

You are eligible for the test if you: 

  • Are aged between 25 and 74 
  • Have ever had any sexual contact 
  • Are a woman or a person with a cervix 

It makes no difference if you: 

  • Are gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender or straight 
  • Have had the HPV vaccination or not 
  • Are no longer sexually active 
  • Have been through menopause 
  • Have only been with one sexual partner 
  • Have had a baby  
  • Are pregnant (let the healthcare provider know) 

You can choose to screen by: 

  • having a healthcare provider collect your sample  
  • collecting your own vaginal sample (self collection) 

Both options are accurate and safe. Talk to one of our GPs about the right choice for you.  

Talk to your doctor as soon as possible if you : 

  • have abnormal vaginal bleeding or unusual discharge 
  • experience pain during sex 
  • have unexplained, persistent vaginal discharge .

For more info Check National Cervical Screening in Australia Brochure

Contraception advice

Our GPs can run through the wide range of contraception types available and help you to determine what is most suitable for you based on your past history, family history, examination and preferences.

Breast Checks

Self-examination of breasts is an important tool in recognising changes in the breast. Your GP can look at your past and family history with you, assess your technique of self-examination and consult guidelines to determine your risk and the recommended screening you should undertake. It is important that you make an appointment with your GP if you notice any change/symptoms in your breast.

Period Issues

Irregular periods, very painful periods and heavy periods may indicate an underlying issue that needs further assessment. There are treatments available to minimise the adverse effect these symptoms can have on your well being and daily life.


The average age of menopause in Australia is around 50 and it can come with a range of symptoms, including hot flushes, vaginal dryness, mood changes and skin changes. Women’s health risks also change after menopause, for example the risk of osteoporosis increases. If you are troubled by menopause symptoms, there are treatment options available. It is also a good time to have a thorough health check to assess your risk and discuss preventative health.

Medical Termination of Pregnancy

Medical abortion, also known as the abortion pill, offers an alternative to surgery for people in the early weeks of pregnancy.

  • is provided up to 9 weeks of pregnancy
  • involves taking a combination of medications to end the pregnancy
  • is available at some private general practitioner clinics, community health services and private clinics.

Dr Victoria and Dr Amy  are accredited prescibers, Book your appointment to help you gain more insight and understand if this option suits you. Please call our practice if you require an appointment.

IUD insertion

The IUD (Intra Uterine Device) is a small contraceptive device that is placed inside the uterus. There are two kinds of IUD

The copper IUD is a small plastic device with copper wrapped around its stem.

The progestogen IUD is a small T-shape device with a cylinder containing progestogen around its stem.

The IUD affects sperm movement and survival in the uterus (womb) so that they cannot reach the egg to fertilise it. The IUD also changes the lining of the womb (endometrium) so that it is not suitable for pregnancy and prevents an egg – if it does become fertilised – from developing.

No contraception is 100 per cent effective but the IUD is 99.8 per cent effective. Please discuss with your doctos suitability and gain more understanding. 

Dr Victoria Smith is a certified doctor by Sexual health Victoria.